Slum dwellers are vulnerable to the effects of disease, poverty and despair. Empower people to make changes.
Asha works to motivate and empower people, giving them the confidence and ability to work together and influence their fellow slum residents, council officials, police, school authorities and others.
Asha’s Mission
To work with the urban poor to bring about long-term and sustainable transformation to their quality of life.
Through a practical expression of the values of faith, hope and love, we aim to provide holistic community-based healthcare, empowerment, financial inclusion, education and environmental improvements by training, resourcing and encouraging slum communities to receive and enjoy their basic human rights. Asha also aims to influence the lives of its international audience by sharing local practice, experience and vision and facilitating partnerships where awareness and association between different cultures can impact and change individuals globally.
We believe that
– All human beings are of equal worth. Therefore the poor have the same inherent dignity, and rights that deserve our protection.
– Every person has a right to affordable healthcare that will allow the best possible chance of living a productive and fulfilling life.
– Every child has a right to an education that will give them the opportunity to reach their potential, earn a living and grow in self-esteem.
– Shelter, safe water and sanitation should be available to all, regardless of their background or status within society.
– Women have equal rights to those of men, and those rights should be protected by both men and other women.
– Communities working together are capable of achieving great change, and can influence others to also strive for change.
– The poor deserve the chance to improve their financial status and their quality of life, and to break free from the cycle of poverty.
We are committed to
– Working among the poor without discrimination of any kind such as those based on sex, caste, religion, language, race, colour or other status.
– Being at the forefront of the pursuit of justice and peace for the poor, and dealing with the systems that make and keep poor people in poverty.
– Challenging oppressive social structures and responding to injustice through non-violence and active peacemaking.
– Empowering the poor to lead full and meaningful lives, and building vibrant communities through the advance of love, neighbourliness, forgiveness and reconciliation.
– Practising a liberating generosity towards the poor and giving them the opportunities they deserve.
– Demonstrating earnestness in prayer for the needs of the poor and for all our partners.
– Valuing diversity, and the skills and gifts of each team member.
– Maintaining excellence in the quality of our programmes.
– Exhibiting good stewardship of limited resources.
– Fostering effective partnerships with the government, funding agencies and other NGOs.
– Becoming a force for liberation and transformation of poor communities.