Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.
– David Thomas
Asha has always been blessed with its supporters and well-wishers, who visit Asha on a regular basis. It is always wonderful to welcome old and new friends and supporters from different parts of the world. Like every year, we were glad to welcome Discovery Schools Academics Trust comprising 18 members from the United Kingdom headed by David Briggs.
The team was oriented about the core components of Asha’s work. Post-orientation the team was divided into two sections and departed for Asha’s Seelampur and Chanderpuri slum community.
On their arrival to the respective centres, they were warmly welcomed with garlands of flowers. During their one week stay the amazing volunteers absolutely captivated the Bal Mandal (Children Association) members and youth of the slum colony with their unique story-telling styles. They conducted numerous educational activities like tie and dye and art and craft. They also interacted with the Mahila Mandal (Women’s Association) and visited the homes of the slum dwellers. The team was humbled and inspired by the lifestyle challenges people living in slums face in their day-to-day lives and yet manage to wear smiles on their faces. This experience helped the team become grateful for all the luxuries and opportunities they receive in abundance.
The team painted the centre with vibrant colours and murals which included the children’s study room. Among the team there was a young and talented lad, Callum who made the shoe rack and cupboards for the young Asha students. The children simply loved the new look of the centre.
“We have been truly inspired by our visit to Asha’s slum communities. The memories that we have will stay with us forever and proved that success only comes from never giving up. We will hold all of Asha’s values close to us and practice them each and every day. Every member of the community has made us feel welcome and loved. We would love to visit Asha again” – said the DSAT team.
On the last day of their stay in the capital city-Delhi, the team met Dr Kiran Martin. The casual interaction took an emotional turn and brought nostalgia amongst all.
It was a wonderful experience to have all of you here at Asha.
We look forward to countless such visits in the future that will only grow Asha’s bond with you all.
Here are a few glimpses of their time at Asha…
To volunteer at Asha, write to us at info@asha-india.org
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