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Australia Donations

How your donation can help

If you would like to contribute to the lives of poor slum dwellers in Delhi, then you can become a Friend of Asha. Australian Friends of Asha aids our activities through donations, fundraising events, volunteering opportunities and raising awareness of the work we do.

How your Donation can help

Protecting Health

A$32 – vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus
and pertussis for five children

A$80 – basic health education for 1,000 people

A$135 – Vitamin A supplements to prevent night blindness for 60 children

A$210 – recovery treatment for 10 TB patients

Promoting Education

A$350 – Provides one year of books for one student

A$400– Covers running & maintenance of one IT Lab in a slum for one month

A$800 – Provides one year of clothes and transport for one student

A$1500 – Covers one year of university tuition fees for one student

A$3000 – Covers one year of expenses for an allied health course for one student

A$3000-Covers one year of all university expenses, including tuition, books,
stationery etc.


Australian Friends of Asha (ACN161 085 650) can collect funds for Asha from Australia.
Donations over AUD 2 are tax deductible.

Other Donation Options

Donate by bank deposit

To donate directly from your bank, please make your payment to the following account; be sure to include your name as a reference.
Account Name: Australian Friends of Asha for Slums Limited
Bank: Bendigo Bank
Account Number: 147 414 122
BSB No: 633 000

Donate by cheque

To donate by cheque, make your cheque payable to “Australian Friends of Asha for Slums Limited” and mail it to:
c/o – Richard Leder
Wotton Kearney
Level 30
500 Bourke street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Contact us

For more information, contact:
Mr Richard Leder, National Coordinator, Australian Friends of Asha for Slums Limited (AFOA)
Contact us |

We have lots of new ideas for fundraising

Please look here or contact us directly with your questions.

Please give now

Asha’s Mission is to work with the urban poor to bring about long-term and sustainable transformation to their quality of life.

Asha India - children on the slum streets