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From Frail to Flourishing: Somwati’s Journey to Health

From Frail to Flourishing: Somwati’s Journey to Health

Somwati’s life had always been filled with challenges, but nothing prepared her for the struggles that began in 2016. Living in the Nehru Ekta Vihar community in South Delhi, she found herself growing weaker by the day. At 55, she could barely stand without feeling breathless. Her body, once strong enough to care for her family, now felt like a burden. Weighing just 45 kg, even the simplest tasks left her drained. With little energy, she had to rely on a walker to move around, and even that took all the strength she could muster. Her appetite vanished, and she could feel her body shutting down.

It was then that she turned to the Asha polyclinic. The doctors there discovered she was severely malnourished, suffering from jaundice, and her hemoglobin level was critically low at just 5. The news was frightening, but the Asha team did not hesitate. They began treating her immediately, providing her with medicines, tonics, and constant support. Over the next nine months, Somwati’s health slowly improved. Her hemoglobin level climbed to a safer 12.5, and she began to regain some of her strength. Life became more bearable, and for the first time in a long while, she felt hope returning.

But in July 2021, just as the world was grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, Somwati faced yet another crisis. She contracted dengue at a time when hospitals were overwhelmed and medical services were hard to access. It seemed like her fate had turned against her once more. But as always, the Asha team was there. They found her and quickly brought her back to the polyclinic. Although she tested negative for dengue, her platelet count had dangerously dropped to 70,000, putting her life at risk.

Once again, Asha stepped in. They gave her the care and medicine she needed and guided her on how to eat properly. They closely monitored her weight and made sure she got the nutrition her body so desperately lacked. With their encouragement, Somwati followed her treatment diligently, and over time, her platelets increased to a safer 100,000. The improvement was slow, but it was steady, and Somwati found herself feeling healthier than she had in years.

Now, when Somwati reflects on her journey, she speaks with deep gratitude. “I have full faith in Asha. Since I first came to this family, they have transformed me from being anemic and weak into a healthy person.” For her, Asha is not just a healthcare provider; it is the family that stood by her side, giving her the care, strength, and compassion that saved her life.