It was a great honour for Dr. Kiran and three of the Asha graduates to meet The Right Honourable Theresa May, the Prime Minister of UK. They were invited to the hon’ble British High Commissioner to India, Sir Dominic Asquith KCMG’s residence where a special reception was held for the hon’ble Prime Minister to mark her maiden visit to India. She is on a three-day state visit to the country.

Asha graduates: Shalu (from Tigri slum colony), Rajeev (from Kusumpur Pahari) and Phozia (from Ekta Vihar) shared their journey with Asha. The hon’ble PM was pleased to listen to the transforming stories of the students. It was surely a soul stirring experience for the Asha graduates.
We heartily appreciate the UK community and its amazing people, for not just providing Asha students with resources, volunteering, creating work opportunities, but also believing that they deserve to find their rightful place in the world.
Thank you to the hon’ble Prime Minister, to the British High Commissioner Sir Dominic Asquith, Melissa Else from the Trade Policy Team, and Minister Counsellor Andrew Soper for providing us with such a wonderful opportunity.